What is an Esthetician And How Do I Choose The Right One


An esthetician gives facials and other skin care treatments to teenagers and adults alike. While that is their official title, they are sometimes referred to as “Facialists”.  They are often very effective in keeping your skin looking the best that it can and since great skin makes us look fabulous, the esthetician can often be a great ally in treating acne and other skin conditions associated with skin care.

Facials, light chemical peels, body treatments like scrubs and wraps and head massage are some of the great body enhancing treatments that esthiticians perform.  Estheticians are not licensed in body massage and only work on the superficial layers of the skin. Most estheticians have gone through a program of training that ranges from 300 to 1000 hours, depending on the state. Six hundred hours is typical. There are only a few states do not mandate any training for someone to perform facials.

In training or school, would-be estheticians learn mostly how to perform facials and more importantly, study how to analyze the skin of the human body.  Cosmetologists, professionals who are trained in primarily performing hair styling services, can also be licensed in performing facials and while they receive some training in performing facials, it is not nearly as thorough or standardized as with esthetician curriculums.  It is recommended for this reason that all men and women seeking skin care to see a licensed esthetician before a cosmetologist.  The bottom line here is, you really want an esthetician who has been practicing for several years and has gained experience in doing so.   

We would recommend that you should be very careful when selecting who will do your facial, after all, you are trusting that individual with your skin.  You want to make absolutely sure that they are working in a completely sanitary environment.  You want to make sure the person who does your facials is skilled, has good hands and is a stickler for sanitation. 

To start your search for a good Esthetician you should start with your friends, family and acquaintances.  Ask for the recommendation of them first.  In today’s world of social media, it never hurts to put it out to your Facebook friends, who will absolutely give you their opinion.  Use the opinions of those that you who have beautiful and cared for skin.  Good possibilities also are estheticians who have their own skin care practice, or a day spa that has longtime, experienced staffers.

There can be wonderful and experienced estheticians at resort and spas.  These types of places always hire experienced estheticians. But is most effective to work with someone on an regular basis rather than get a facial once in a while, always with someone different. They can get to know your skin and can help you make adjustments to your skin care routine by season.

Signs of A Good Esthetician

* Warm and friendly, he or she is impeccably groomed.

* She is a stickler for cleanliness and sanitation. She keeps a clean table and washes her hands before she begins touching your face. If you see a dirty environment or sticks in a messy wax pot, that’s not a good sign.

* The esthetician gives you a relaxing facial customized to your skin. She can perform extractions without causing too much discomfort and is responsive to your pain threshold.

* He can answer any questions you have about what he’s doing and why.

* The good esthetician follows your lead in terms of how much “chat” there is. It’s your time!

* She asks about your home skin care routine and advises you on how to take care of your skin between facials. She advises you on what products are best suited for your skin without being pushy.

* A good esthetician recognizes skin problems that require a dermatologist. If you have a problem that needs a medical doctor, the esthetician lets you know.

Licensing requirements for estheticians vary by state. Most states require 600 hours of training, but Florida is considerably less strict, with just 260 hours of training. Feel free to ask where they were trained and what kind of program they went through.

For more information on skin care, please visit the Xquisite Website HERE


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