
A facial is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments.  It is performed for general skin health as well as for specific skin conditions.  Facials are meant to clean, exfoliate, and nourish the skin while promoting a clean,   well-hydrated complexion.

There are several steps to facial treatments:

  1. Consultation: To discuss skin concerns and medication usage, daily water intake and what products currently used on your skin to determine what facial treatment plan is best for you specifically.
  2. Cleansing: A simple cleaning of the face to rid of any make-up, products, or build-up on skin.
  3. Skin Analysis: Used to determine the type of skin you have (oily, dry, normal, sensitive, etc.) and conditions such as acne. 
  4. Steam: Machine used that directs a thin vapor of warm steam onto the skin. It is very relaxing and softens blackheads and whiteheads that will be extracted later in the process.
  5. Exfoliation: Can be done mechanically with a gritty lotion or serum that rubs away dead skin cells or chemically by enzymes or acids that loosen the bond between skin cells releasing the dead skin cells.
  6. Extraction: The removal of blackhead or whiteheads in the skin. 

Facial benefits include better looking and feeling skin, boost in confidence, and a relaxing, stress-relieving time for yourself.  They should only be performed by a licensed esthetician.  Frequency of facial treatments vary from person to person depending on type of treatment(s) needed.  It is usually recommended to have a facial monthly or seasonally. 

Schedule an appointment with an esthetician today to start the Spring Season fresh-faced and relaxed!